Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Totally 'Winging It'

My son bought me a jumper for Mother's Day that is emblazoned with the phrase - 'Winging It'.  When I say my son, I mean my husband.  My son is 2 and whilst frighteningly adept at using an iPad and actually having his own online bank details (seriously) I am not sure he is quite at the point of uniting the two.  There is always next year.

Anyway, I love my sweater.  The reasons are threefold:

1.  It is from the Selfish Mother shop, where all profits go to charity.  Meaning £15 of the cost of my jumper goes to helping others.  You can read all about it and buy one here:

2. It is comfy, stylish and it is from my son (ok, husband).  I love them both.

3. I am actually, 'Winging It'.  Saying this out loud actually feels very liberating.  I am new to the Stay at Home Mother (SAHM) scene and it has come as a real shock to the system.  I am currently finding my feet, understanding my son and figuring out some sort of routine for us both.  We have good days, great days in fact and other days are more challenging, for both of us.  I think even he has found it weird to have at me home.  The previously fairly consistent absent mother is now hanging around like a bad smell.

What has all this got to do with this project.  Well, cooking is something I have always done and it is where I go to escape, reflect and get lost in the smells, tastes and process of cooking.  Notwithstanding a long passion for cooking, I still find myself 'winging it' through the recipes.

As you will have seen recently I failed to leave myself enough time to marinate something and again I have failed to leave something long enough to set.  On Mother's day of all days when we had 15 people turning up for lunch.  Thankfully (I think this maybe the first time I have been thankful for this) my son is an early riser and despite the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake needing at least seven hours to set, I sacrificed my Mother's Day lie in, leapt out of bed and decided to wing it!

I was meant to cook this recipe on February 13, but this dish needs a crowd.  Far too rich and indulgent to eat between two of us midweek.  This is what it is meant to look like:

In order to get this cheesecake baked and ready to set, I did not take any photos of the process. Actually for this recipe the process was more fiddly than Nigel's usual recipes.  But it is worth the effort.  It gets baked in the oven in a springform tin in water.  As Nigel advises please make sure you double wrap your tin in tin foil to prevent water getting in.  I also tied string around the foil.  No water leaked in, but some of my cheesecake did leak out and I was worried I had ruined it (and promptly dispatched my husband to the supermarket for a replacement cheesecake).  I think I slightly over baked it in the oven but this was actually a good thing as it meant it set in time for pudding.  What a 'winging it' result!

I am pleased to report this was a huge success and went down a storm.  Let's just say that there was no need for the supermarket cheesecake which still sits largely uneaten in my fridge.  Oh hail Nigel Slater again! It definitely has that 'cloy and clag' texture that Nigel refers to and it has that wonderful salty, sweet and bitter trilogy of flavours.  Here is my finished result:


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