Thursday, 14 January 2016

Fruit in food

Tonight we have a guest for dinner, my first 'Nigel Supper'.  My sister is coming for dinner and she does not like fruit in food.  By that she means she does not like fruit with savoury food which is really unlucky for her as tonight I am cooking Pork Chop with Rhubarb Chutney.

Once again, I am extremely jealous of Nigel's serving plate for this.  Smashes my M&S plates out of the park.  Anyway I have lined up my ingredients and I am raring to go!  The smell at first of the chutney, according to my sister, is of salt and vinegar crisps.   It slowly matured and the kitchen began to smell like Christmas.  

As always, well, as to date, the recipe is simple and easy to follow.  I am intrigued by his idea of trimming the pork fat to crisp up the fat.  A midweek crackling - what a treat!  As the chutney simmered away my sister informed me that it reminded her of the time Bridget Jones made the blue soup.  I quite like the fact I was cooking something that was pink, I do not cook enough pink food.

The chutney gets set aside and its on to the pork chop and for me the sides.  Nigel is clearly having a low carb day when he cooks this.  I ended up cooking this with rice and green veg (see earlier blogs for details of my 'unhealthy' obsession with green veg).  I chose rice as we are due to have potato tomorrow and despite being a carb fiend I like to mix it up.

The finished product is here.  My fat could be crispier, but enough about me...

I am sorry Nigel but the chutney had mixed reviews.  My husband did not like the aniseed flavour of the star anise and my sister was all kinds of freaked out over the fruit in the chutney.  I did not like the chutney on its own but it was the perfect with the pork.  There is some left over and we have friends for dinner tomorrow and a cheese board planned so I am going to try out on another audience and see what they say.

Notwithstanding the mixed reviews this evening, I love that my sister is reading 'The Book', looking at the recipes and informing me of the dates she will be coming back for dinner.  Despite the chutney, she obviously likes a 'Nigel Supper'.  Don't we all...



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